Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Starting this Saturday, we shall devote two of our monthly meetings to a reading of The Comedy of Errors. (The usual place - the State Library of Western Australia - and the usual time - 2.00pm.) All are welcome, so come and check us out if you think you might like to join the Club, or if you're a visitor to Perth and would like to meet fellow lovers of the Bard and his works.

Our playleaders are Frances and Rachel, and I'm reading Dromio of Ephesus - yippee! As a sixty-nine year old female I wouldn't pass the physical to perform this role, but the beauty of our club's readings is that anyone of either gender or from any of the seven ages (well, the last five of them, anyway!) can play any part.

Shakespeare WA did a great version of this play as part of their Shakespeare in the Park Season this year. You can read my review on Artshub.